Our Second trip to yard sale was definitely not as successful. We found a lot of yard sales but did not find anything that we were looking for. Even with it all planned and mapped out. Let's just say we learned a lot!!! The majority of the yard sales would state household items and so on but when you got there it was mostly clothes. Also, if the yard sale started on Friday all the good stuff was gone. My new rule is if there is even a mention of clothes or baby stuff we do not need to go. :) We did find a couple of estate sales and they were priced really high so not sure that I will go for that again. But all in all it was a learning experience for us. The first trip, although totally free styled as the "Pickers" would say, was unsuccessful except for this one little find. An old clorox bottle at the first place we stopped at that was not even on our list. This lady had a lot of stuff but we held out because of space and I wish we had just bought from her. Again, a learning experience. :)
So here it is our one great find....
Not super special but something we like so at least it wasn't a total waste.